How to create purchase orders

You can create and track all of your purchase orders in GigBridge. By creating purchase orders in GigBridge you can track the percentage % of each project cost code allocated costs that you've ordered. You can track matched invoices with original purchase orders to prevent overspend and ensure that you are getting invoiced for the the same products or services that you ordered.

Purchase order settings

To set up your purchase order numbering; 

  • Click on  settings and go to the company tab
  • Select Documents 
  • Enter your purchase order prefix e.g PO and the number that you'd want this purchase order to start at. 
  • Click on save changes

Now that you've sent your prefix and number each 

Note; You may want to start the purchase order numbering after the last purchase order you created in your accounting system. Once you start to use GigBridge for purchase orders and sync to your accounting system this may interrupt with the numbering you have set up in your accounts system. 

Creating Purchase orders

To create a purchase order:

  • Head over to the documents tab in the sidebar 
  • Click on New and select "Create Document" 


Now let's set up your Purchase order 

  • Select the Project & cost code you want to allocate this purchase order to. 

Note: You can split this purchase order and allocate each or several line items to different projects and/or cost codes. To do this click on the customise button.

  • Select the supplier you want to send this purchase order to 
  • Update the issue date and due date if needed

Next, let's enter your items 

  • Enter the item description, quantity ,unit and unit rate for each line item. 
  • You can then set the VAT rate and apply any discounts to the purchase order subtotal. 
  • You can set discounts to be applied before (recommended) or after VAT

Allocate purchase order to multiple cost codes 

To allocate a purchase order to more than one cost code:

  • Click on the customise button 
  • Check "Select multiple projects and cost codes"
  • Select a project and cost code for each line item 

Note: In your cost reports the purchase order will be split up and allocated to to the different cost codes you have selected. 


Set Different VAT rates for line items 

To set different VAT rates for line items: 

  • Click on the customise button 
  • Check "Set VAT on line items"
  • Set a VAT rate for each line item 

Set Discounts line items 

To set different discount rates for line items:

  • Click on the customise button 
  • Check "Set discount on line items"
  • Set a Discount rate for each line item 

Set Delivery Details 

To set delivery address and details 

  • Navigate to the bottom of the page 
  • Click on set delivery Delivery Address 
  • Select from one of your saved addresses
  • Enter contact details & delivery instructions 

Approve & Send Purchase Order

Finally once you've completed the purchase order and it's ready to send to your supplier 

  • Click on the approve button then click "Approve & Send"
  • Review or update the message to your supplier
  • You can choose to send a copy to yourself by checking the option.